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MSC Volunteer Opportunity: Baja Dog Rescue

  • Baja Dog Rescue 3495 Sports Arena Blvd San Diego (map)

Our first SoCal MSC Officers’ Association Volunteer opportunity of the year is focused on helping with the Baja Dog Rescue.

Description: Dog Lovers are needed!! Please assist the Baja Dog Rescue with this dog adoption event. Volunteers are needed to assist with pet care and showing. Shifts are from 0800-1200 (10 volunteers) and 1100-1400 (3 volunteers).

Where:          Location of the adoption event given after signups are complete

When:           29 February 2020 – 0800-1200 or 1100-1400

POC:            LT Donny Le, MSC, USN (

Please inform LT Le of your intent to volunteer at the event.