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June Lunch and Learn Series: CAPT Kelly Elmore

Southern California Medical Service Corps Officers,

We are hosting a Lunch and Learn event on Thursday, 17 June, at 1130. We are privileged to have CAPT Elmore discuss “Balancing Multiple Roles while Keeping a Positive Attitude”.  

What:                  June Medical Service Corps Lunch and Learn

Where:                Via VTC

                             Audio Dial: 619-702-8900  

Conference Number:  20190920#

When:                   17 June 2021, 1130-1230 Local

Who:                   Speaker: CAPT Kelly Elmore, MC, USN

Attendees: Southern California MSC Officers

Very Respectfully,

The SoCal MSC Association Team

President: LCDR Hoang

Vice president: LT Le

Treasurer: LT Palhano

PAO: LT Murphy

Secretary: LT Shults